What to Keep in Mind When Ordering a Custom Flag?

January 13, 2022 0 By Carolina Herrera

Keeping custom flag order mistakes in mind can help you get the most out of your custom flag and avoid mistakes.

Custom Flag make sure to… 

  • Check the spelling on your custom flag carefully. One misspelled or incorrect letter can change the whole meaning of a word and spell disaster for your custom flag’s message! Make sure there are no typos, missing letters, extra letters, or anything that could be confused with another word. Look at all of your words together before submitting them to be checked by an expert if possible. Be wary about using slang or acronyms, abbreviations, jargon, symbols, etc… Any sort of ambiguous language might make it difficult for viewers to understand what is printed on the custom flag and some viewers might not know what the custom flag is trying to say.
  • Be careful with using custom flag colors. If you want a specific custom flag color it’s best to specify which custom flag color you want in your message, especially if it’s an odd custom flag color that people might not be familiar with or expect for that custom flag design. Specifying custom flag colors can help avoid unnecessary delays or mistakes if the wrong custom flag colors are used. It also helps keep your custom flags looking professional and eye-catching.
  • Avoid adding anything confusing to your custom flags. Anything unclear will make it difficult for viewers to understand what is written on your custom flags and how they should respond appropriately (i.e., does this apply only during events? Is there a custom flag code I should know about?). When using custom flags it’s best to make sure they are clear and easy to understand quickly. If you must include something confusing, make sure to use custom flag guidelines for custom flag designs for help.
  • Avoid putting different custom flag messages on the same custom flag unless it’s actually necessary. It will distract from your custom flag’s message if the wrong custom flags are displayed. Ask yourself whether or not having multiple custom flags would be helpful in understanding what your custom flag is saying more clearly before ordering them. If there is a lot of information that needs to be covered, consider making different custom flags instead of using two for one purpose. For example, you could use two separate large size custom flags with different custom flag messages instead of two custom flags with the same custom flag message on them.
  • Avoid putting too much information on your custom flags. This is not only for aesthetics but also because it will make the custom flags more difficult to read if they are too cluttered, which can cause your custom flag’s audience to miss important details. Using multiple custom flags might be necessary depending on how complex or long your custom flag message is, so consider whether or not ordering large custom flags or extra-large custom flags would be helpful before submitting your order! For example, you could use three small custom flags with different custom flag messages instead of one large size custom flag with all three on it.
  • A custom flag is a great way to show your patriotism and honor the country you love. You can fly custom flags in front of your home or in a parade. 

Do I Have to Use Dimensional Letters on My Custom Flag?

Custom flags are available with two different lettering options: 

Standard custom flags that use embroidery, 

Custom flags with dimensional letters that add flair and dimension when flying against wind or rain. 

Which One Should I Choose? 

When choosing a custom flag, it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of the flag and the location of where you want to fly it. Embroidery looks best on a custom flag when there isn’t a lot of space for letters, and if you’re custom flag will be flown outside. Dimensional custom flags should be used when the custom flag will fly against wind and weather.

What Material Should My Custom Flag Be Made Of?

Custom flags come in two common materials: 

Cotton custom flags that are made of heavyweight fabric for outdoor use, 

Nylon custom flags that are lightweight but can last up to 10 years outdoors. The material choice depends on how you want to display the custom flag as well as where it’s going to be displayed. Nylon custom flags show color better than cotton custom flags. Cotton custom flags look great hanging from a porch or lamppost while nylon custom flags look best flying over top of buildings, parades and more.


Keep custom flag use simple. Include the most important information on custom flags, and don’t include any unnecessary details. Have custom flags made with either embroidery or dimensional custom flag letters for best results.